But now the question is: If Japan is going to phase out nuclear power, what happens to its huge presence at its universities? The nuclear industry was a major source of funds for taught programs and research (even though much of that ultimately came from government subsidies and support to the industry).
I somehow think majors like 'nuclear safety engineer' are not going to have much appeal to young people.
Nuclear Research in Japan
This list of names of university institutes and research institutes has been compiled from the INIS Bibliographic Database. It is not intended to be complete, but indicates some of the main institutes that are actively publishing in the nuclear field.
Please consult the Nuclear Energy Handbook for more information about Japan.
* Kyushu Univ., Fukuoka (Japan). Dept. of Physics
* Osaka City Univ. (Japan). Dept. of Physics
* Kumamoto Univ. (Japan). Faculty of Science
* Sapporo Gakuin Univ., Ebetsu, Hokkaido (Japan)
* Tsukuba Univ., Ibaraki (Japan). Inst. of Physics
* Tokyo Univ., Tanashi (Japan). Inst. for Nuclear Study
* Chiba Inst. of Tech., Narashino (Japan)
* Shibaura Inst. of Tech., Tokyo (Japan)
Nuclear Research Laboratories
* Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, Wako, Saitama (Japan)
* Science Council of Japan, Tokyo (Japan)
* CRC Research Inst. Inc., Tokyo (Japan)
* Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute, Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan). Tokai Works
* Hitachi Ltd., Ibaraki (Japan). Energy Research Lab.
* National Lab. for High Energy Physics, Tsukuba, Ibaraki (Japan)
* National Inst. of Radiological Sciences, Nakaminato, Ibaraki (Japan)
* Japan Nuclear Fuel Industries Co. Inc., Tokyo (Japan)
* Radioactive Waste Management Center, Tokyo (Japan)
* Kyoto Fission-Track Co. (Japan)
* Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst. (JAERI), Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan). Tokai Research Establishment
Nuclear Fusion Research
* Chubu University, 1200 Matsumoto-cho, 487-8501 Kasugai-City, Aichi-prefecture, Japan
* Ehime University, Faculty of Science, Department of Physics,2-5 Bunkyo-cho,790-8577 Matsuyama,Japan
* Electrotechnical Laboratory,Energy Fundamentals Division,1- 1-4 Umezono,305-8568 Tsukuba, Ibaraki,Japan
* Himeji Institute of Technology, 2167 Shosha, Himeji, Hyogo,671-2201,Japan
-Department of Electrical Engineering
-Faculty of Engineering
* Institute of Physical and chemical Research, lchijoji Matsubara-cho 105, 606-8156, JAPAN
* ITER XT, Physics Unit, 801-1 Mukojama, 311 -01 Naka, Ibaraki,Japan
* Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Electrical Power System,Nonoichi,921-8501 Ishikawa,Japan
* Kyoto University
-Engineering Physics and Mechanics,Sakyo,606-8501,Japan
-Graduate School of Energy Science, Uji, Kyoto
-Institute of Advanced Energy, Uji, Kyoto
-Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Kyoto
* Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku,464-8603 Nagoya,Japan
* National Institute for Fusion Science, 322-6 Oroshi-cho, 509-5292 Toki,Japan
-Department Of Large Helical Device Project
-Theory and Computer Simulation Center
* Nihon University, 1-8 Kanda Surugadah, Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo,101-8308, JAPAN
-Department of Physics
-Atomic Energy Research Institute
* University of Tsukuba, Plasma Research Center, Univ. of Tsukuba, Tsukuba Ibaraki, 305-8577, Japan,
* Kyushu University, Kasuga Koen 6-1,816-8580 Kasuga City, Japan
-Research Institute for Applied Mechanics
-Advanced Fusion Research Center,
-Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering and Sciences
* Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Technology, 2-24-16 Naka-Machi, Koganei-shi,184-8588 Tokyo,Japan
* University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-Ku , 113-0033 Tokyo, Japan
-School of Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering
-Nuclear Engineering Research Laboratory, Tokai, Naka, Ibaraki
-Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
-Complexity Science and Engineering
* Kyoto Institute of Technology, Department of Electronics and Information Science, Matsugasaki, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto
* Hitachi Ltd., Power and Industrial Systems R and D Division, Ibaraki-ken
* Osaka University, Suita, Osaka
-Institute of Laser Engineering
-Plasma Physics Laboratory Faculty of Engineering
-Graduate School of Engineering
* ITER JCT, Naka Joint Work Site, Naka
* Tohoku University, Aramaki-aza-Aoba, Aoba-ku, Sendai
-Department of Quantum Science and Energy Engineering
-Institute for Materials Research
-Graduate School of Engineering
* Tokyo Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory for Nuclear Reactors, O-okayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo
* Toshiba Corp.,Energy and Mechanical Research Laboratories, Kawasaki
* Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI), Komae-shi, Tokyo
* Hiroshima University, Department of Material Science, Hiroshima
* Okayama University, Faculty of Engineering, Okayama
* Hokkaido University, Center for Advanced Research of Energy Technology, Sapporo
* Osaka Institute of Technology, Osaka
* Toshiba Co., Otawara-shi, Tochigi
* Yamagata University, Yamagata
* Iwate University, Department for Electrical Engineering, Morioka, Iwate
* Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI)
-Tritium Engineering Laboratory, Tokai, Ibaraki
-Naka Fusion Research Establishment, Mukoyama 801-1,311-0193 Naka-machi, Naka-gun, lbaraki-ken
-Tritium Engineering Laboratory, Tokai, Ibaraki
-Blanket Engineering Laboratory, Naka-machi, Naka-gun, Ibaraki-ken
-Advanced Photon Research Center, Tokai, Naka, Ibaraki
-Department of Reactor Engineering, Tokai-mura, Ibaraki-ken
-RF Heating Laboratory
-Naka Fusion Research Establishment, Tokai Annex, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki
-Japanese ITER Home Team
University Home Pages
Hiroshima University
* Synchotron Radiation Facilities
language: English | Japanese
originator: university, laboratory or research organisation
access: open to the general public
type of data: textual information
type of site: non-commercial site
Hokkaido University
language: Japanese | English
originator: university, laboratory or research organisation
access: open to the general public
type of data: textual information
type of site: non-commercial site
Kobe University of Mercantile Marine
language: English | Japanese
originator: university, laboratory or research organisation
access: open to the general public
type of data: textual information
type of site: non-commercial site
Kyoto University (Institute of Advanced Energy)
language: Japanese | English
originator: university, laboratory or research organisation
access: open to the general public
type of data: textual information
type of site: non-commercial site
Kyushu University
language: English | Japanese
originator: university, laboratory or research organisation
access: open to the general public
type of data: textual information
type of site: non-commercial site
Nagoya University
language: English | Japanese
originator: university, laboratory or research organisation
access: open to the general public
type of data: textual information
type of site: non-commercial site
Osaka University
language: English | Japanese
originator: university, laboratory or research organisation
access: open to the general public
type of data: textual information
type of site: non-commercial site
Ritsumeikan University
* Compact Superconducting Synchotron Radiation light Source
language: English | Japanese
originator: university, laboratory or research organisation
access: open to the general public
type of data: textual information
type of site: non-commercial site
*Science University of Tokyo (SUT)
language: Japanese | English
originator: university, laboratory or research organisation
access: open to the general public
type of data: textual information
type of site: non-commercial site
Tohoku University
language: English | Japanese
originator: university, laboratory or research organisation
access: open only to certain groups
type of data: textual information
type of site: non-commercial site
Tokai University
language: English | Japanese
originator: university, laboratory or research organisation
access: open to the general public
type of data: textual information
type of site: non-commercial site
Tokyo Institute of Technology (TITECH) (
language: English | Japanese
originator: university, laboratory or research organisation
access: open to the general public
type of data: textual information
type of site: non-commercial site
*University of Tokyo
language: English | Japanese
originator: university, laboratory or research organisation
access: open only to certain groups
type of data: textual information
type of site: non-commercial site
School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo
* Nuclear Engineering Research Laboratory (UTNL)
* Fast Neutron Source Reactor YAYOI
language: Japanese | English
originator: university, laboratory or research organisation
access: open to the general public
type of data: textual information
type of site: non-commercial site
related sites: The University of Tokyo | Nuclear Engineering Research Laboratory (UTNL)
UTTAC, Tandem Accelerator Center, University of Tsukuba
language: Japanese
originator: university, laboratory or research organisation
access: open to the general public
type of data: textual information
type of site: non-commercial site
Research Institutes and Laboratories
Nuclear Research Institutes
High Energy Research Institutes
Nuclear Fusion and Plasma Physics
Application of Isotopes and Ionizing Radiation
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Nuclear Research Institutes
Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI)
The Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI) was founded in 1951 to serve as the comprehensive central research institution for the electric power industry. Since that time, CRIEPI has exercised the talents of its specialists in responding precisely to the business challenges that electric utilities face. At the same time, we undertake the general development of technologies in the quest for fundamental solutions to the many problems involved in global energy and resources, the environment, and sustainable economic development, as seen from a long-term perspective. In this way CRIEPI makes useful contributions both domestically and internationally through the advancement of the electric power industry.
language: English | Japanese
originator: university, laboratory or research organisation | industry or service provider
access: open to the general public
type of data: textual information
type of site: non-commercial site
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
The Persistent Quest Home Page gives a good overview over the research activities at JAERI.
language: Japanese | English
originator: university, laboratory or research organisation
access: open to the general public
type of data: textual information
type of site: non-commercial site
related sites: english JAEA site | Persistent Quest Home Page
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
The Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (JNC) was formally inaugurated on 1-October 1998; its Mission is to perform the development of the advanced technology required to establish the complete nuclear fuel cycle. JNC's Key Projects are those which form the basis of the fuel cycle, these are: the fast breeder reactor (FBR), advanced reprocessing, plutonium fuel fabrication and the disposal of high-level radioactive waste.
* research and development for nuclear fuel cycle technology
* fast reactor
* plutonium fuel
* reprocessing
* radwaste
language: English | Japanese
originator: university, laboratory or research organisation
access: open to the general public
type of data: textual information
type of site: non-commercial site
related sites: Latest News | MONJU prototype reactor | JAEA's Key Projects | JOYO Home Page
Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited (JNFL)
language: English | Japanese
originator: university, laboratory or research organisation | industry or service provider
access: open to the general public
type of data: textual information
type of site: non-commercial site
related sites: english pages
Japan Science and Technology Corporation (JST)
* ReaD: Database of Research and Development Activities (free of charge)
* access to a selection of other (paying) databases
* host for STN Interantional bibliography (200+ databases)
language: Japanese | English
originator: data centre
access: open to the general public
type of data: textual information | numerical data, codes | bibliographic data
type of site: data base
JOYO Experimental Fast Reactor (JNC)
The experimental fast reactor JOYO achieved initial criticality in April 1977 as the first liquid metal fast breeder reactor in JAPAN. As a fuels and materials irradiation test facility, JOYO achieved the maximum design output of 100MWt in 1983, and thirty-two cycles of 100MWt rated power operation were successfully conducted until the end of March 1998. During this period, many irradiation tests for the development of fuels and materials were carried out.
language: English
originator: operator of nuclear plant or facility | university, laboratory or research organisation
access: open to the general public
type of data: textual information
type of site: non-commercial site
related sites: Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute (KURRI)
The KURRI (Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute) was reorganized in 1995 and is now composed of six research divisions and two facilities. On average, each division is composed of three laboratories. There are a total of twenty two laboratories including one laboratory provided for visiting professors.
The organization of the Institute consists of about eighty scientists, forty technical staff, and forty administrative members and clerks. The Advisory Board consists of members chosen from the scientists of both the Institute and other organizations.Its function is to provide advice to the Director on policies for cooperative research activities. It also receives and reviews cooperative research projects proposed by researchers of universities and research institutes.
language: Japanese | English
originator: university, laboratory or research organisation
access: open to the general public
type of data: textual information
type of site: non-commercial site
MONJU prototype reactor (JNC)
MONJU is the prototype reactor of the Japanese fast breeder reactor project. This English language site has been created to explain how fast reactors work, why Japan is committed to the development of this technology and how it can be used as a major contributor to electricity supply in the next century.
language: English
originator: operator of nuclear plant or facility | university, laboratory or research organisation
access: open to the general public
type of data: textual information
type of site: non-commercial site
related sites: Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (JNC) | MONJU Plant - Basic Specifications
National Institute for Radiological Sciencies (NIRS)
* established in 1957, as a special research institution attached to the Science and Technology Agency
language: Japanese | English
originator: university, laboratory or research organisation
access: open to the general public
type of data: textual information
type of site: non-commercial site
National Institute of of Advanced Industrial Science & Technology (AIST)
From April 1, 2001, the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (the new AIST) has begun operations. The AIST is a newborn research organization that is combined with 15 research institutes which are used to be under the former Agency of Industrial Science and Technology (the former AIST) in the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (Table 1 below) and The Weights and Measures Training Institute. The new AIST is the Japan's largest public research organizations with research facilities on scale, and around 3,200 employees including the authorities.
language: English | Japanese
originator: university, laboratory or research organisation
access: open to the general public
type of data: textual information
type of site: non-commercial site
Nuclear Engineering Research Laboratory, University of Tokyo (UTNL)
language: English
originator: university, laboratory or research organisation
access: open to the general public
type of data: textual information
type of site: non-commercial site
related sites: Online Reports on Nuclear Engineering
Persistent Quest - Research Activities (JAERI)
Persistent Quest is published annually to introduce the most recent accomplishments of JAERI (Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute) on scientific and technical research to the general public. Its contents are focused on research topics which made outstanding progress in the year concerned.
* Advanced Basic Research
* Research and Development of Fusion Energy
* Neutron Science and It's Applications
* Research and Development of the Advanced Photon and Synchrotron Radiation Sources
* Material Science
* Research and Development on Radiation Applications
* Computational Science
* Research on Nuclear Energy System
* Development of Irradiation Techniques
* Nuclear Safety Research
language: Japanese | English
originator: university, laboratory or research organisation
access: open to the general public
type of data: textual information | online journals, articles, reports
type of site: non-commercial site
related sites: JAEA
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High Energy Research Institutes
Electrotechnical Laboratory (ETL)
* Electron Linac Facility
language: English | Japanese
originator: university, laboratory or research organisation
access: open to the general public
type of data: textual information
type of site: non-commercial site
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
* Photon Factory
* TRISTAN Accumulation Ring
language: English
originator: university, laboratory or research organisation
access: open to the general public
type of data: textual information
type of site: non-commercial site
related sites: english page
Hiroshima Synchrotron Radiation Center (HSRC)
language: English
originator: university, laboratory or research organisation
access: open to the general public
type of data: textual information
type of site: non-commercial site
related sites: Hiroshima University
Institute for Molecular Science (IMS)
* Okazaki National Research Institute
* Ultraviolet Synchrotron Orbital Radiation Facility (UVSOR )
language: English | Japanese
originator: university, laboratory or research organisation
access: open to the general public
type of data: textual information
type of site: non-commercial site
related sites: UVSOR
Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI)
* third-generation synchrotron radiation facility: SPring-8
* advanced research into materials science, earth science, life science, and medicine
language: English | Japanese
originator: university, laboratory or research organisation
access: open to the general public
type of data: textual information
type of site: non-commercial site
Nuclear Science Research Facility - Accelerator Laboratory Kyoto
* accelerator physics
* laser nuclear physics
* 7 MeV proton Linac and a 100 MeV electron Linac
language: English | Japanese
originator: university, laboratory or research organisation
access: open to the general public
type of data: textual information
type of site: non-commercial site
RIKEN Accelerator Research Facility
This page is presented by RIKEN Accelerator Research Facility, a joint organization of Cyclotron Center, Accelerator User Group and RIBF Project Group.
language: English | Japanese
originator: university, laboratory or research organisation
access: free online access | open to the general public
type of data: textual information
type of site: non-commercial site
Sumitomo Electric (SEI) (more info) goto TOP
* Harima Institute
* compact synchrotron radiation ring: NIJI-III
language: English | Japanese
originator: university, laboratory or research organisation
access: open to the general public
type of data: textual information
type of site: non-commercial site
Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (Univ. of Tokyo VSX Project )
* Synchotron Radiation Facilities: VSX Light Source
language: English | Japanese
originator: university, laboratory or research organisation
access: open to the general public
type of data: textual information
type of site: non-commercial site
The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN)
language: English
originator: university, laboratory or research organisation
access: open to the general public
type of data: textual information
type of site: non-commercial site
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Nuclear Fusion and Plasma Physics
International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER)
ITER's mission is to demonstrate the scientific and technological feasibility of fusion energy for peaceful purposes. To do this, ITER will demonstrate extended energy production, demonstrate essential fusion energy technologies in an integrated system, and perform integrated testing of key elements required to use fusion as a practical energy source.
* planned Superconducting Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor
* international collaboration: Euratom, Japan, Russia, (USA)
* ITER Newsletter: published monthly by the IAEA
language: English
originator: international organisation | university, laboratory or research organisation
access: open to the general public | free online access
type of data: textual information
type of site: non-commercial site
related sites: ITER Newsletter | IAEA | ITER Europe | Naka Fusion Research Establshment
Institute of Laser Engineering (Osaka University)
language: Japanese | English
originator: university, laboratory or research organisation
access: open to the general public
type of data: textual information
type of site: non-commercial site
JT-60 project (more info) goto TOP
* JT-60/JT-60SA
language: English | Japanese
originator: university, laboratory or research organisation
access: open to the general public
type of data: numerical data, codes | textual information | online journals, articles, reports
type of site: non-commercial site
related sites: Naka-JAEA Home Page | JAEA Home Page
Naka Fusion Research Establishment, Japan (JAEA) (more info) goto TOP
* JT-60 Tokamak
language: English | Japanese
originator: university, laboratory or research organisation
access: open to the general public | free online access
type of data: textual information
type of site: non-commercial site
related sites: english JAEA site | JT-60 Tokamak
National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS, Toki, Japan)
* LHD Stellarator
language: English | Japanese
originator: university, laboratory or research organisation
access: open to the general public | free online access
type of data: textual information
type of site: non-commercial site
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Application of Isotopes and Ionizing Radiation
Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center (Tohoku University) (more info) goto TOP
language: English | Japanese
originator: university, laboratory or research organisation
Nuclear Power and Energy Safety Engineering Course
The course provides practical and multilateral education and research concerning various issues, including assurance of safety in atomic power stations and areas where the stations are located, seeking convivial society systems, stabilization of power networks, and vitalization of local industries through technology transfer, as a university located in Fukui Prefecture where many atomic power stations are located. The objective of the course is to cultivate advanced professional engineers who have a thorough knowledge of safety engineering and configuration of regional symbiotic systems related to atomic power and energy and who also have wider vision and a high sense of ethics.
* Nuclear Power Safety Engineering
* Regional and Environmental Symbiosis Engineering
* Nuclear Power Plant Safety Engineering
Department of Applied Nuclear Technology
Acquiring the skills to apply, develop and practice.
Nuclear power - used as a means to produce electricity it plays a fundamental role in our society. Japan’s relationship with nuclear power stretches back over 40 years. Now more than ever we need technicians trained in the use of nuclear power and in fact this institution is the only such one in the country to offer the particular course of study that we have here. Here at this university we seek to produce technologists who will go on to be experts in nuclear power and the correct and safe use of radioactive substances.
We are looking for the following kinds
of people with ambition:
1. People who can keep to the rules, forward-looking
2. People who are able to cooperate with others
3. People who are passionate about future developments in nuclear power
4. People who are creative and keen to experiment
5. People who abound with curiosity and are ready to take on the challenge of discovery
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