To University of Fukui: Stop starving the cats who live on campus. 福井大学に対する嘆願書:キャンパス内の猫を飢えさせるのは止めてください!

Why this is important
Starving the cats is not a humane solution to the issue of cats on campus. It is not even a solution. The solution is to allow and cooperate with the volunteers who want to finish spaying and neutering the cats. Then the cats can be properly fed and cared for. The ones who are suitable can be adopted. The others will live out their lives and actually keep new cats away from campus.キャンパス内の猫を飢えさせるのは止めてください!
私は日本の福井市の福井大学の准教授です。福井大学の文京 キャンパスでは、猫たちが小さな集団を作って暮らしています。現在キャンパスには12匹の猫が暮らしていると推測しています。ほとんどの猫はキャンパス内 で生まれましたが、迷子になった猫と捨てられた猫もこの集団に加わっています。
こ れは解決法とは言えません。本当の解決法は、すべての猫に不妊手術を受けさせること、猫を迎えてくれる家庭を見つけること、キャンパス内の猫の数を健全な 数に保つことです。キャンパスに残った猫たちが新たな猫がキャンパスに来ることを防いでくれます。多くの学生および大学職員は猫が好きであり、キャンパス で猫を見かけるのを楽しみにしています。大学当局が承認してくだされば、猫の世話をボランティアで引き受けてくれる人も出てくるでしょう。
Additional background explanation:
I am an associate professor at the University of Fukui, Fukui City, Japan. The Bunkyo Campus of the university has a small colony of cats on it. I estimate that there are now 12 cats living on campus. Most were born here, but strays and abandoned cats have added to the population.
From three years ago, some people at the College of Engineering were feeding a family of cats in that part of the campus (the southwest corner). But they were not doing spaying or neutering. So the population quickly grew to over 10 cats.
For the past 6 months, I have been spaying and neutering all the cats on campus and also at a near-by colony just southeast of campus. There are still 3 cats that need to be spayed or neutered.
However, the university opposes my activities. They are ordering me to stop feeding, spaying, neutering, everything.
Their proposed solution to the issue is that the cats should starve.
This is not a solution. The solution is to complete the spaying and neutering, find homes for those that are adoptable, and maintain a healthy population on campus. The cats that remain will keep new cats from coming onto campus. Many students and members of the faculty like the cats and enjoy seeing them on campus. Some would volunteer to help take care of the cats if the university administration would approve.
Sign the petition at the link below: