28 January 2011

Elite private Keio University drops National Center Test requirement for admissions

Background: this decision must come as an unpleasant surprise to the National Center for University Entrance Examinations (NCUEE), since the trend had been for more and more private universities to use the unified entrance exam that the NCUEE administers. However, it's probably more lucrative for Keio to require only its in-house entrance exams. First, there will be no revenue sharing with other entities. Second, it might make it easier and cheaper for an ever larger number of high school seniors and cram school attendees to apply for Keio, even if only a small number will gain admission. Look at it the way a potential applicant might: if enrollment to Keio is the dream, it will allow them to concentrate without the distraction or expense of the National Center Test to worry about.    

The Yomiuri story is at the link below:

Keio Univ. to stop using standardized entrance exam

Key excerpt 1:

Starting next year, Keio University will no longer use the National Center Test, a unified college entrance exam, to screen those seeking admission to the prestigious private university....Keio's move is expected to spur other universities to take similar steps, finding their own ways to screen examinees....Center test organizers said they were shocked to hear of Keio's withdrawal.

Key excerpt 2:

"We'll give an original, distinctive test to enroll smart students," said a Keio faculty member.
A member of a cram school staff said, "The National Center Test only reveals slight differences in abilities among examinees who apply for top-notch universities."

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