31 July 2009

100 Free Cutting-Edge Courses that Didn’t Exist When You Were in School

The spring-summer term is coming to an end here in Japan, so the JPN HEO Blog hopes to re-start its efforts at original content, including a comprehensive re-write of the 'Ten Reasons Why English Fails in Japan' series into one coherent article, with positive suggestions for overcoming the failures. Meanwhile, here is an online article that those interested in HE worldwide might want to read. We will also post some more items to catch up on the past three months.

100 Free Cutting-Edge Courses that Didn’t Exist When You Were in School


Whether you’ve been out of school for 10 years or 20, chances are it's pretty different today than when you were in school. Advances in technology, new information about the world around us, and changes in society have added many new classes to college offerings. You can help keep yourself up-to-date on what is going on in the world by taking cutting-edge and free courses online that touch upon the latest developments in technology, science, the Internet and much more.

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